December 2024

Dear Friends of Lake View Cemetery,

In the past year, the Board of Directors has made substantial progress in addressing a backlog of needed
capital improvement projects. Of primary importance was preserving the integrity of the “Caretaker’s
House” to assure that it remains a viable source of rental income. It was necessary to replace the aging roof
and to repair the water damage it caused, including interior and exterior painting, and then to install gutters
and downspouts to prevent similar damage in the future. The improvements were completed in September,
and we welcomed a new family to the residence in October. The refurbished house and the newly-paved
road—a benefit of the Cemetery’s participation in the Walking Safe Cayuga Heights Sidewalk Project—
now provide a welcoming and impressive entrance to the property.

Our focus must now turn to restoring the magnificent Mausoleum. The challenge is so daunting that it has
received little attention over the past 40 years. Recently, we teamed up with a faculty member in Cornell’s
College of Architecture, Art, and Planning and Bell & Spina, the Syracuse-based architecture and
engineering firm, to develop a strategy to accomplish the required maintenance. In addition, we met with the
Town of Ithaca Board to apprise them of our plans. All agree that Phase I is to install a new roof to protect
the 200+ burials within. We hope to apply for and receive national historic register designation to support
our fund-raising goals. Let us know if you are interested in fund raising for this project, or if you have related
expertise to contribute!

As you know, almost the entire work of the Cemetery—the mowing, tree and shrub trimming, equipment
repair, general and financial administration, coordination of burials, and much more!— is accomplished by a
small group of volunteers. Yes, all gratis! Pastor Scott Hathorn’s dedicated mowing from May through
September saves us upwards of $30k per season and keeps us near a break-even point. Mike Kesten and
Martin Kelly’s combined skills in equipment repair and tree cutting save us thousands more. Sally Ezra’s
accounting expertise allows us to keep that essential function in-house. But, we are a small group to manage
all that is required, and we need more volunteers! Please let us know how you can help, or if you would be
interested in serving as a recruitment coordinator to interest others in volunteering.

We are in need of a new Board member! We thank Mary Zebell for her work over the past three years.
Mary’s interest in historic preservation provided the impetus and direction for getting the mausoleum project
off the ground. And, based on her background as a landscape architect, she identified diseased trees that
required removal in order to protect headstones, and then provided oversight for that work.
Volunteers, and your donations, keep the Cemetery going! We hope that you can make a tax-deductible
contribution again this year. (We are a 501(c)(13) not-for-profit cemetery corporation.) Thank you so much!

The Board of Directors
Lake View Cemetery